Dolar Argentina

Esta API proporciona las cotiz ...

No Free
Potterapi: Harry Potter API

A Harry Potter API available i ...

No Open Source

Abacus is an API that allows d ...

No Open Source
Harry Potter API

API to get data from Harry Pot ...

No Free

An API to play connect 4 from ...

No Free

🏀 Excited to introduce the ...

No Free
Google playstore analysis

A api that gives some insight ...

No Free
Argentina Datos API

API pública, no oficial, desa ...

No Open Source

APIs for ant keepers.

No Free
Open Data Minneapolis

Spatial (GIS) and non-spatial ...

No Unknown
Federal Register

The Daily Journal of the Unite ...

No Unknown

Large datasets repository of A ...

No Unknown
COVID-19 Tracker Sri Lanka

Provides situation of the COVI ...

No Unknown
Open Government, Switzerland

Switzerland Government Open Da ...

No Unknown
US Presidential Election Data by TogaTech

Basic candidate data and live ...

No Unknown
Covid-19 Government Response

Government measures tracker to ...

No Unknown
Dataflow Kit COVID-19

COVID-19 live statistics into ...

No Unknown
Mozilla http scanner

Mozilla observatory http scann ...

No Unknown
District of Columbia Open Data

Contains D.C. government publi ...

No Unknown