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Bandsintown FavIcon Bandsintown

Music Events

Bandsintown Features and Pricing

Feature Value
HTTPS Support Yes
CORS Support Unknown
Authentication Type No
Pricing Unknown

Bandsintown is a concert discovery and ticketing platform with a mission to help fans find their favorite bands and artists and experience their live shows. The company's web and mobile applications provide fans with a one-stop-shop for all things concert-related, including artist tour dates, news, and fan communities. Bandsintown also operates the largest concert database in the world, which includes data on over 500,000 artists and 50,000 venues.In addition to its consumer-facing applications, Bandsintown also offers an Artist-to-Fan Marketing Platform that helps artists and managers reach and engage fans using tools like email, social media, and targeted advertising. The company has partnerships with over 1,000 music festivals, including Lollapalooza, Coachella, Bonnaroo, and Electric Daisy Carnival, and has ticketing partnerships with Ticketmaster, Live Nation, and Seatgeek. The Bandsintown API provides developers with access to the company's concert data and allows them to build applications that integrate with the Bandsintown platform. The API is REST-based and uses HTTP requests to return data in either JSON or XML format. It has a simple, easy-to-use interface and requires no authentication or key to access.

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